
Semináře & Webináře Poučte se od odborníků


Carbolite Gero offers online-based webinars and provides recordings of webinars that already took place. If you would like to be informed about new webinars, make sure to also sign up for the Carbolite Gero Newsletter.


Záznamy webinářů

Safety & Process Optimisation in an Ashing Furnace
Hear from our product team at Retsch UK and Carbolite Gero about how to optimise the preparation of samples and how to subsequently ash those materials safely.
Jazyk : Anglicky

Additive Manufacturing Introduction: Common printing techniques & their post-processing requirements
Looking at L-PBF Laser-Powder Bed Fusion, BJT Binder Jetting, FFF Fused Filament Fabrication filaments) and VPP Vat Photopolymerisation
Jazyk : Anglicky, Rusky

Additive Manufacturing - Part 1: Thermal Post-Processing
An overview of the new generation of equipment for debinding, residual debinding, annealing and sintering
Jazyk : Anglicky

Comparing 3D printed Titanium components heat treated in a vacuum to those heat treated in an inert atmosphere
A comparison of the mechanical impact on Titanium treated under a vacuum or in an inert atmosphere including microscopy analysis
Jazyk : Anglicky

Metal Injection Moulding
Heat treatment solutions for those using MIM
Jazyk : Anglicky, Rusky

Řešení pro pece: Zajištění kvality surovin
Zajištění shody s globálními standardy kvality a testování
Jazyk : Anglicky, Rusky

Use of furnaces in the battery world
Requirements for carbonisation, graphitisation, calcination and synthesis of carbon composites
Jazyk : Anglicky

Oven & Furnace Solutions: For Coal & Coke Testing Standards
An overview of solutions for proximate analysis, ash fusibility and coke reactivity & strength
Jazyk : Anglicky

Oven & Furnace Solutions: Safety is paramount
Highlighting the user safety features built in to every Carbolite Gero solution
Jazyk : Anglicky, Rusky

Tube Furnaces: An introduction to our basic 2022 range
An overview of our universal, split & gradient tube furnaces operating between 1100°C & 1600°C
Jazyk : Anglicky, NěmeckyRusky 

Rotating Tube Furnaces
Reasons to choose a rotating tube furnace as your preferred solution
Jazyk : Anglicky

Graphitisation & Liquid Silicon Infiltration
Outlining the processes & requirements to ensure a high-quality, repeatable heat treatment process
Jazyk : Anglicky, Rusky